Are You Getting Enough Rest?

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Are you familiar with the concept of prerequisites? In case you haven’t been in school for a while, let me remind you. If you want to take an advanced college course in a subject (such as Spanish IV), you first have to learn the basics (like in Spanish I). That’s why you take prerequisite classes: to prepare for success later on.

This idea isn’t limited just to school, though. There are prerequisites in every aspect of our lives. In order to get the job we want, we need the right qualifications and training. In order to drive, we have to read the guide book and pass a couple of tests. If we want to cook a meal, we must first go to the grocery and gather the proper ingredients. These are all prerequisites for things we want to accomplish.

But in life, there’s one big prerequisite for every single thing we do. There’s one requirement for being successful at anything we set our minds to, and that is rest.

If we want to accomplish anything, we must first ensure that our bodies are getting the rest they need. Otherwise, we’re setting ourselves up for struggle and failure.

Without rest, we can’t think clearly.

Without rest, we can’t be fully present with our loved ones.

Without rest, we can’t focus on the work at hand.

Without rest, we can’t learn and grow and improve in our health.

Rest is a prerequisite for every other thing we do. And when we fail to give our bodies the rest they need, we’re ultimately failing ourselves.

Have you ever tried to get through a busy day on only a few hours of sleep? What did that feel like? I know that when I don’t get enough rest, everything I face throughout the day seems harder. I don’t have the physical, mental, or emotional energy to deal with the stresses of life, and I end up caving to the pressure.

When we get enough rest, our brains our sharp. We’re focused. We’re prepared to face whatever comes our way and deal with it in the best way possible. We’re more creative, more productive, and more healthy because we’ve already got our basic needs covered.

If we don’t give our bodies the quantity of quality of rest they need by choice, we’ll soon find them shutting down. Your body will rest one way or another. Either you can make the choice to get enough sleep at night, or you’ll find yourself drowsing off in the middle of work (or worse, your commute!). Nobody wants to be in a constant battle with their body. We’re much better off just choosing to prioritize rest.

Sleep is something we all need. It gives a rhythm to our lives and reminds us that we’re not made to just go-go-go all the time. We have to rest. It’s good for us. And it can actually be enjoyable if you choose to see it for what it is: a prerequisite for everything we do.

Everyone’s needs are different. Of course, conventional wisdom says that we each need to build about eight hours a day into our schedules for sleep. Some people might need a little less, some a little more. But that general rule is a good starting point for getting your rest on track.

But it’s about more than just setting aside the time. It’s also about making that time count. Good rest depends on good habits, like limiting technology use before bed, calming your mind, and investing in a quality sleep surface. When it comes to rest, it’s about quantity and quality. Without both, you’ll still wind up tired.

Ultimately, you have to find what works best for you. When I have the time, I love to take a mid-day nap. It‘s a great addition to my regular sleep routine, and it leaves me feeling refreshed and ready to go. You might not be able to do that, but you can find a schedule that works for your body.

Maybe you’re a night owl and need to structure your schedule around sleeping in later. Or maybe you’re a morning person who needs to prioritize getting in bed sooner. We’re all different. But the point is that we have to be intentional and listen to the needs of our bodies when it comes to rest.

I can assure you that once you start getting enough rest, you’ll find that accomplishing your goals will feel so much more possible. Sleep is a prerequisite for life, so don’t skip out on the basics. Set yourself up for success by starting a consistent pattern of rest today.

That’s all for this week! Thanks for reading. I hope you’re enjoying these blog posts and finding them helpful for living the healthiest life possible. Until next time…

To your fitness!