How Do You Cope with Stress? (Part One)

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Life can be stressful sometimes. You already know that. And, boy, do I know it, too. The pressures of life, responsibilities, anxieties, and everything else we deal with can sometimes seem like just too much. That’s when we start to get stressed.

Trying to avoid stress completely is foolish. It’s an inevitable part of life. Sure, it’s good to try to minimize life stresses as much as possible, but we’ll never totally get rid of them.

My hope for you is twofold: First, I hope that your stressful times in life are few and far between. And second, I hope that when you do get to a stressful point, you’re able to deal with it in a healthy way. And so, over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to be sharing with you some tips I use when I’m dealing with stress.

Take a break.

This may seem counterproductive when you’re in the moment, but sometimes, the best thing you can do is take a step back and relax. I’ve found that I’m best at handling difficult situations when I’m rested, calm, and focused. I can’t be any of those things if I’m overwhelmed by stress, so when the pressure kicks in, I know it’s time to ease up on myself.

When I’m stressed, I try to spend more time at home. This is my safe space where I can rest, recenter, and start to deal with what’s concerning me. I spend extra time in bed so that I have the energy I need to face the day. And I try to put as little pressure on myself as possible because I’ve already got enough coming at me from all these other places.

Now, I’m not saying you should withdraw and never deal with your stress. But I am saying that a little bit of time away from it might help you get the energy and perspective you need to overcome it. That’s what I’ve found in my own experience, anyway.

Focus on what matters to you.

When we’re under stress, it can be easy for us to lose sight of the things that are important to us. We think, “I’ve got to deal with this thing, so my family will have to wait,” or, “I can’t read this book I enjoy until things calm down.” This does not help us in the long run.

We have to take control of our attention rather than letting stress control us. By choosing to focus on things that matter to us and things that enrich our lives, we are actually equipping ourselves to deal with the stresses of life. If we let stress steal us away from the things that matter most, then we forget what we’re doing it all for in the first place.

I try to always ensure that I’m making time for my family and for a hobby that I enjoy. That could be learning about something I’m interested in, walking with my dog, fly fishing, or any other number of things. But by always carving out space for these important things in my schedule, I’m actually more prepared—not less—to deal with stress when it comes.

Listen to your body.

Stress has a detrimental effect on the body, and we aren’t always the best at recognizing what our bodies are trying to tell us. When we’re stressed, we often eat unhealthy foods, stay up too late, and become inactive. This leaves us feeling horrible, which only adds to the pressure we feel.

What if, instead of treating our bodies like a secondary priority, we actually took care of them even in times of stress? How much more alert would we be? How much less irritable? How much easier would it be to deal with our stress if only we were physically healthy?

That’s why I double down on my commitment to my body when I’m under stress. Because I listen to it, and I know that it actually needs more attention in stressful situations than regular ones. But by eating healthy, getting plenty of rest, and exercising (through my walks with Panko), I ensure that my body has what it needs, and it in turn keeps me feeling good.

All of these tips go against our natural instincts when we’re under stress. Stress forces us into survival mode and steals our attention to the point that we can’t focus on much else. That’s why it’s so important that we intentionally prepare for these times and choose right now that we’re going to practice good habits no matter what comes our way.

I believe that these three tips will greatly help you when you’re feeling stressed. And if you want more, I’ve got a couple other tips to share with you in my next blog post. I hope you’ve found these helpful, and I hope to see you back here next week for more.

To your fitness!