Who Are You?

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I’m a big fan of questions. I believe that if people were willing to ask more questions rather than constantly spouting their own preconceived answers, the world would be a much better place. Because when we ask questions, we give ourselves an opportunity to learn.

So in both my work and my personal fitness endeavors, I am constantly asking myself questions. And I think that one of the most important questions when it comes to our overall health is also one of the simplest: Who am I?

Have you ever really thought about it before? Sure, you know who you are on a superficial level. You know your name, your job description, where you’re from, and what you like to do.

But do you really know who you are at the deepest level? Past all of the titles and the faces you put on for other people, who are you?

It’s a tough question to wrestle with, but it’s important that we do.

The way we answer that question sets the stage for everything else we do in our lives. The way we take care of our bodies, the way we treat others, the way we interact with God, and so much more are determined simply by the way we understand ourselves. And that’s why I think it’s so important that we ask this question and give ourselves the time and resources to work through it.

In looking for answers to the question of who we are, we have a lot of options. We could look to modern philosophies. We could look to the entertainment industry. We could look for our identities in our jobs. We could look for our identities in our hobbies and the things that bring us pleasure.

But ultimately, none of those things can offer us the answers that we truly need. They all fall short. Because if we want to know who we really are, we have to turn to God and to His word. Only in light of Him and His wisdom can we begin to understand who we are and the role we’re meant to play in this world. Only then can we find our purpose.

The choice is up to you, though. Do you want to look for your identity out in the world, or are you ready to accept that God alone can show you who you truly are? As I said before, the answer to this question is very important because it’s the foundation that we build our whole lives on. It’s critical to every area of our fitness that we choose wisely where to get our answer from.

If you’d like to know more about finding your identity in God’s word, then this blog series is for you. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be diving into this question and exploring who God says we are in His word. As a preview, this will be our key verse:

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” —Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬

Next week, we’ll start breaking this verse down and looking at what it means for the central question: Who are you? I hope you’ll come back and join us for the second part of this series. As always, thanks for reading.

To your fitness!